Judge Demi Lovato came under attack on the premiere of X Factor Wednesday night.
Before taking the stage, Shawn Armenta, 50, told the cameras he’s been training for his audition for one year and six months. “This is my passion,” Armenta told the cameras. “I’m a singer and a dancer.” Unfortunately for Armenta, his performance of his original song “Candy Girl” didn’t impress the judges.
“You’re like a mouse trying to be an elephant,” Simon Cowell, 52, said. “It’s just wrong.”
Armenta argued, “I worked way too freakin’ hard for this and I’m not a bad singer. I know I’m not.”
But Lovato, 20, agreed with Cowell and said, “A lot of people work really, really hard for their dreams, but it’s not meant for everybody.”
“That’s why you use Auto-tune and I don’t,” Armenta told the “Skyscraper” singer.
Stepping in to defend Lovato, judge Britney Spears, 30, told the contestant, “I want to know who let you on stage. I feel uncomfortable with you just staring at me.” L.A. Reid, 56, was the next judge to speak up and told Armenta it was time to get off the stage.
“I’m a better writer than you,” the contestant said before walking off stage.
Source: Us Magazine