Demi Lovato talks to Vogue about her success, music and personal growth

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Demi Lovato comes to Vogue Mexico and Latin America for the first time to talk about all the music to come and how the key to everything is to accept you.

Like any girl of the nineties, I spent my life watching Demi Lovato on television series, sitting in my grandmother’s armchair. I feel like I grew up with her. After many years, little remains of those girls that we were. Nowadays, it seems ‘normal’ to talk about anxiety, depression or an eating disorder, but for those of us who were children and adolescents in the 90s, those words were not in our vocabulary, much less were they mentioned by faces known to millions of people.

There was no talk of the balance needed between mind, body and soul. They did not tell us that fame has a price, and it is almost always very high. There was no talk of mental health. Silence and little education guided our generations. Live instagrams, likes, zooms, posts, tiktoks did not exist. No singer or actress had social networks. The distance between those who were famous and those who were not was infinite.

In the mid-2000s, I was about 15 years old, and eating disorders were starting to be talked about a bit more. But the first time I heard someone say it loud and clear it was Demi Lovato. Before this, I did not know that these disorders knocked on almost everyone’s door. That the bathrooms in my school would be full of girls trying to achieve an unattainable ideal of beauty. I hadn’t seen anyone talking about addictions and uncomfortable things. Now that a few years have passed, I can understand the courage and fundamental role that Demi Lovato played in my generation.and in the future. Being able to see a woman reinvent herself so many times, while still being vulnerable with the battles that we suffer so many, seems most inspiring to me. For many, growing up has been the key, growing up to be more and more of us, and less of external noise.

Demi Lovato comes to Vogue Mexico and Latin America for the first time to talk about the beauty and understanding that comes with leaving her teen years behind, the importance of meditation and learning to be alone. Of all the music that comes and how the key to everything is to accept you.

Demi Lovato in an interview for Vogue Mexico and Latin America

There are millions of people who think they know you. How would you describe yourself to a stranger?

I would like to think that I am an empathetic artist who cares deeply about my community, and that I want to make the greatest possible impact in the world. Personal growth is also very important to me. I want to be known as an artist who cares about the world.

What would you like to have known when you were 13 years old? What words or concept would have helped you overcome what you went through when you were so young?

I wish I had learned that my power comes from within and not from what I want the world to see on the outside. I spent many years trying to see myself in a certain way, trying to conform, and trying to please other people, all of which delayed my happiness. When I started to live my authentic truth, that’s when I really found happiness.

Many people had a difficult childhood and adolescence. I think we have idealized the idea of ​​being young, but adulthood has given me tools, knowledge, and opportunities to heal. What has been the best thing about growing up for you?

When I grew up I always thought the funniest years of my life would be when I was a teenager or young, but I am having more and more fun as I get older. I am learning more about myself and my level of self – acceptance is only growing because I feel more confident in who I am. Aging is something our society demonizes – we have all those beauty products to look younger, we cover our gray hair and we do this and that – but I love it. I wish someone had told me when I was younger that the older I get, the happier I become because I am more sure of who I am and what I want out of life.

We have been locked up for almost a year, after this time have you changed your mind about something?

One thing I’ve learned in this time is that before I felt like I was going crazy. I used to get very anxious, bored or felt like I had to go out and do something. In the last year I have learned to appreciate the quiet and quiet of being at home and the downtime between jobs and study sessions. That was something that was hard for me to face and I think that’s why it took a lot for me to never be single for a long period of time, because that scared me. During this time I have also learned so much about meditation and practiced it so much that it has really helped me find comfort in stillness.

Where do you find the balance between talking about what you have walked and finding the privacy to heal your own wounds?

I think you have to develop limits. When you do a great job of building your self-esteem , you are able to decide what you want to save so that you can heal and what you want to share with the rest of the world. I want to help people with what I’ve been through, because I know that I have the ability to reach a lot of people, but I need to save a part for myself to a certain extent, since I have to work on myself, like everyone else.

What’s the reward for asking tough questions and having thoughtful conversations?

The benefit is growth. Growth never comes from stability or comfort; Growth always comes from doing things that are uncomfortable, leaning on that discomfort, and learning from it. When you can learn from that discomfort and apply it to your daily life, you will be able to learn a lot about yourself. And then you can see the beautiful rainbow that comes after the storm. It is always darkest before dawn.

I’d love to talk about your YouTube documentary series, Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil. It follows you on your journey and through the darkest moments you’ve been through in recent years. What was that darkest point?

I think early to mid 2018 was the darkest period of my life. As for the decision to share this documentary , it was not about gathering the courage to tell my story. When it all happened, I had no other choice as the world just found out. This documentary is my way of finally explaining what happened. I don’t discredit myself for being open and brave enough to tell my story, but I also think that the fact that the world found out made me feel compelled to tell my story, as there were so many incorrect accounts. For me, the value is not in telling my story, but in overcoming the things that I have overcome.

Where are you now as a musician and as a composer? What do you want to sing and write about now?

I have a lot of new music. More than you expect. I’ve been working on new things for three years and after so long so many songs have accumulated. I have a lot of music in storage that I can’t wait to get out; my fans have been so patient, understanding and loving, so I can’t wait to give you all the music you deserve!

Is there something you are still trying to prove?

Totally. I have so many goals and so many dreams. The funny thing is that they change quite frequently based on what I am learning about myself and prioritizing my values. What is important to me may not have been five years ago. I used to have a Grammy high on my goal list and now I see it as a trophy. Although it is a great honor to achieve it, I have learned that feeling fulfilled in other areas of my life gives me much more joy than if I only work to win trophies. My life is much fuller today because I dream of loving more, helping more and finding areas of my life that previously did not find joy.

How do you define success at this time in your life?

The way I define success is how happy I am in the moment. I do not look at the tables, the numbers or the awards to assess my success. My success, for me, is first how much difference I am making in the world and then whether I feel happy and fulfilled in this moment.

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